Kevin Aug, CFA

Partner & Wealth Advisor

Kevin prides himself in taking a client-first approach.  By prioritizing his clients’ financial success, he can tailor advice to address their complex and evolving needs.

Before Constellation, Kevin spent his career in institutional investing in research and portfolio management roles at leading investment firms including J.P. Morgan Asset Management, Ameritas Investment Partners, and Calvert Investments.

Kevin earned an MBA from the University of Cincinnati and a Bachelor of Science in finance and accounting from Miami University.

Why Constellation

Kevin was attracted to Constellation’s independence and continuous pursuit to provide best-in-class wealth management advice and services. He is a true student and teacher, recognized for his commitment to customized client service and his passion for serving families. 

What Drives Kevin

Kevin resides in Cincinnati, Ohio with his wife and three energetic children. On the weekends, he can be found in his backyard or at various parks playing with his kids. He also enjoys giving back to Elder, his high school alma mater, by serving as member of the Investment Committee. Kevin is also a member of the Investment Committee at Constellation.